Two years ago I entered a new chapter as I moved from Louisiana to California to begin my journey and career. Within those two years I’ve seen several mountains and valleys, but the highs have certainly outweighed the lows.
My favorite memories have been during visits from my family, with my cousins here and through fulfilling work experiences at United Way and TGR Foundation. Although I’m not close to seeing or doing everything on my California Bucket List, here are 10 experiences I’ve enjoyed most since my move.
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Door bells ring and cameras flash each year as people, young and old, go out to celebrate Halloween. It’s the one holiday each year when imitating someone or something else is acceptable. Although many are able to escape the reality of who they are and hide behind makeup and costumes for a night. One feeling that’s inevitable is that of fear. Whether minor fears of a child eating too much sugar or anxiety over safety, here are five scriptures to remember about fear before beginning your Halloween festivities.
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I’ve planned to read 12 books for the past two years. I haven’t achieved this yet, but this year I’m getting close.
I started working toward a dozen with “The Wait.” After diving back into the communications I revisited books from grad school. I’m currently reading “Social Media: How to Engage, Share and Connect by Regina Luttrell taking tips from her experiences interviews and communications model.
While I may not get to them before the end of 2018 the following books are on my reading list. Should I fail to meet my goal of a dozen reads this year, I will in 2019. The best way to finish is to get started.
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On October 17 each year employees, leaders and self-starters everywhere show up on social media to celebrate while showing praise and appreciation for their hard work or that of their leaders. My first job was at a day care center the summer prior to my freshman year of high school. Although I took a break to focus on my studies, cheerleading and life as a high school student, I’ve held more than a dozen positions in a variety of industries. The one thing each job had in common was leadership. Fortunately I’ve never had an unbearable “boss.” I believe that the best leaders become the best because of their actions and here are some that separate some of my best supervisors from the others.
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