Seasons of life don’t always mimic those of nature, and changes to your LinkedIn shouldn’t be dependent on life’s changes. Don’t wait until you’re ready to transition into a new career or already moving to your next role to take advantage of the networking platform. Start with the tips below to update your profile and amp up your engagement year-round to maximize your benefits beyond a static version of your resume.
When it comes to the basic elements of your profile, the first step is to make sure they’re complete. By updating only seven of many sections available, you can transition your profile to All Star Status to increase your chances of discovery and grow an nurture your network.
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After attending “Wealth Management 101,” a financial planning workshop hosted by Orange County United Way Emerging Leaders United I felt relieved, enlightened and a bit overwhelmed. For rising professionals when it comes to financial planning and management everyone has to start somewhere. According to Roger S. Stinnet who co-led the presentation, going back to the basics are a great place to begin. From economics in high school, taking “Success 101” as a freshman in college and lessons from this workshop and others I’ve learned along the way, here are things to keep in mind when preparing for your future financially.
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Women Empowerment is a phrase used often, but one that is greater than letters and words. While women have made great strides toward equality, there is still much work to be done as we reach for glass ceilings, break barriers and set records.
As a young girl the woman closest to who I dreamed of being was my mother. She was my greatest role model. Although I lost her guidance early in life, I’m grateful for the many women along the way who have helped me become the woman I am today. The words “women” and “empowerment” are more impactful when put into action. Here are methods that I’ve benefited from that you can use to.
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Part 3 of a women empowerment series hosted by United Way of Orange County gathered a diverse set of women over what Shari Battle described as the cocktail of interventions - food, health and shopping. Local, Global and Me, presented by Bank of America, is an annual initiative of Women United that joins women in the spirit of service, philanthropy, personal and professional development.
The evening began with appetizers, shopping and wine sipping followed by a cooking demonstration with Celebrity Chef and Radio Host Jamie Gwen and ended with a panel discussion on health. Those in attendance consumed food for thought, food for taste and several ways to enhance future meals on their plates including these five tips to spice up your kitchen.
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