Tests of Life: Three assessments to get to know you better by Jasmine Tate

At the end of every semester there are students around the world that feel relief that they have completed what they think will be the last test they’ll have to take, but what many don’t realize is that life will be filled with many more tests. While most of them won’t be graded, results will come through lessons and valuable experience that will contribute to self-awareness, wisdom and growth. I’ve had many tests since my last in May of 2016 when I completed my Master’s Degree at the University of Southern Mississippi, but as a lifelong learner I’m looking forward to the formal and informal assessments that will continue to shape me into the woman I am becoming, the woman I’ll be. Today I’m sharing some tests I’ve taken voluntarily that have helped me get to know myself better from different perspectives. They are all tests I would recommend and would love to chat about your results.

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Jasmine’s Journey: Finding fulfillment and embracing community by Jasmine Tate

“Brave” is a word I hear often when most people learn that I moved from Louisiana to California as a 24 year-old fresh out of grad school. Although I accept the compliment, when I made the transition I didn’t feel brave at all. I felt excited and relieved to finally be starting my career. As time passed I began to realize some of the toughest challenges of “adulting” and life in California, away from my family, friends and familiarity.

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Praise Playlist Update: Top 10 songs on repeat by Jasmine Tate

The bible tells us in  Romans 10: 9-10 “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

Although salvation is simple and easy, situations in life are sometimes not. There are many weapons at our disposal including the bible, prayer, fasting and one of my favorites, praise. Growing up in a religious family there are countless songs of praise and worship that have helped me push through tough times and shout through the good ones. The list below are some of the latest additions of my Praise Playlist that have been on repeat. If you have Amazon Music, you can also listen there.

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Credit 101: 10 Ways to build and maintain good credit by Jasmine Tate

Financial responsibility is an important part of adulting that is complex and often scary for many millennials. With a lack of education around financial literacy, it’s easy to begin practicing bad habits. My sister and I recently took an online course on building and maintaining healthy credit that reinforced lessons we heard our dad share on repeat over the years and added some knowledge and tricks that were unknown.

According to Tiffany Aliche, also known as the budgetnista, “bad credit makes for an expensive life and although you can’t build your credit overnight the fastest way to success is action.” Before starting to build credit or continuing down the wrong road the information and best practices shared here will give you an introduction to credit and help lead you down the path toward a healthy financial future.

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