The late Betsy Plank was a pioneer in the public relations industry and known today as the Godmother of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) and First Lady of PR.
In addition to her contributions to the public relations industry and building leaders of the future, Betsy was also known for wearing staple red and pink blazers, documenting her travels through photography, providing mentorship and sharing words of wisdom. Although her advice was often aimed at professionals at all levels in the public relations industry, much is applicable to all. Continue reading for eight career tips from the first lady of PR, in honor of Betsy Day.
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On Monday my coworkers and I entered the second week of a remote working environment. Although I love working from home and have longed for a partial remote working schedule for a while, I have faced several challenges that I’m making efforts to overcome this week.
I’ve listed my challenges, how I’m navigating them and some tips I’ve used to stay productive below.
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I recently took my body on a journey to experience STEP Xtreme, a full body fitness class in Mission Viejo, CA. I was gifted four free classes and decided to give it a try. Although I had taken a step class before, it was far different from what my body had previously endured as I worked through 60 minutes of movement including stepping, climbing, jumping, squatting and most importantly SWEATING. Pushing through each sequence of the hour-long High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) I got a full body workout including cardio, weights, resistance training and more.
The workout definitely pushed me past my comfort zone and challenged me to keep the beat, lift higher, push harder and grow stronger.
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Christmas changed for me before I entered my teenage years, not because I discovered that Santa Claus wasn’t real but because my mother’s death was. In her absence the holidays have continued to bring excitement and happiness but still haven’t been the same.
I can’t remember ever believing in Santa or reindeer. I’ve always known the true reason for the season, that the presents under the tree were from my parents and that family was and always will be the best gift I could ever ask for.
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