Ten ways to escape technology and recharge while working remotely by Jasmine Tate

During my previous roles social media was a welcomed escape from work, and I often turned to one of the many apps during my breaks for quick updates, laughs, inspiration and more. In my current position as a marketing and communications manager, screen-time in this period of remote work has grown to 100% of my role, and now I’m trying to be intentional about giving my eyes an escape from digital and social media any chance I can.

There have been many studies and experts who attest to the need for breaks during the day, not to mention the right granted by law. Everyone who works a eight-hour workday should take a minimum of three breaks during the day including two paid rest breaks and one meal break lasting 30 minutes to an hour. While these periods and the time granted vary across different states, companies and organizations, there is usually a similar standard. See your employee handbook or the state labor and employment guidelines for specifics. Below are ten activities to clear your mind, maximize your time and achieve productivity on your next break that have worked for me.

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Five steps to set and achieve your goals by Jasmine Tate

‘Tis the season for goal setting.

Every year I reflect on the blessings and accomplishments over the last 365 days and prepare for the next; it's an emotional experience. With a global pandemic, a pivotal period of the Black Lives Matter movement, the push for diversity, equity and inclusion and a historic election season, emotional is a word that describes 2020 well for me. Although the pandemic shifted some of my goals in 2020, looking back on all that I experienced, overcame and achieved, I know that God is real and good.

I’ve set my goals for 2021 and shared them with some of my close family and friends who found it helpful and adopted many of my goals. If you haven’t set your goals for 2021, it’s never too late, and the five steps below will help you get started.

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Jasmine’s Journey: Life in 2020 by Jasmine Tate

When we look back on 2020 the challenges that resulted from a global pandemic, a national movement to build equity for all and a presidential election will all be referenced for many years to come. As we enter a new year, I’m grateful for the many achievements and experiences that happened in 2020 and excited for the years ahead.

Browsing through blog posts, photos and notes from the year made me realize how blessed I am in the midst of the circumstances of the world. I’m a firm believer in celebrating every victory, big and small, and this post shares some highlights of my year.

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Five ways to reach your daily step goal by Jasmine Tate

Many studies have proven the health benefits of regular physical activity and people around the world are setting step goals to reach 10K daily. After I learned of the 10K daily step recommendation I incorporated it into my lifestyle and I’m sharing five tips to help you master your step goals and step into a new level of health and wellness.

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