Three ways to prevent, manage and overcome work stress by Jasmine Tate

According to the American Institute of Stress, stress is something we all deal with and engaging with dialogue around yours and others’ is one of the most valuable ways to combat stress when it arises. Although stress and anxiety often results from external events or circumstances, I’ve discovered that there are many times that my stress has been brought on by personal insecurities and perfectionism. Both areas that I’m working on consciously. Because I’m single and live alone, most of my stress comes from work. As we close out Stress Awareness Month and the last #RealWorldWednesday of April, I wanted to share the top three ways I manage work stress and anxiety.

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Power Playlist: Christian soundtrack to victorious living by Jasmine Tate

As I began my morning routine it seemed that the devil was determined to prevent me from completing my 10K steps for the day. I walked down the stairs and into rain. Plan B was to go to the gym and walk the treadmill. I got to the gym and realized I left my electronic access key in the garage as I normally do for my walks, but I had a backup in the car. I went to enter, the light turned green, but the door wouldn’t budge. I was locked out from the gym. I drove back to my apartment turned the music on my Power Playlist in my headphones even louder and continued to move without overreacting to everything going wrong. Each song that played was a reminder of who I am because of who Christ is in me and the ability I have to overcome whatever life throws in my path.

After cycling through songs to the point where the music ended and podcasts began, I thanked God for the ministry through music and wanted to share 10 songs that reminded me of the victory we have in Christ. We are more than conquerors through him who loves us and can do all things through Him who gives us strength.

Next time you’re preparing for a victory, recovering from a setback or need a reminder to walk in confidence, check out this playlist, linked on Spotify, or add the songs to your playlist wherever you listen to music.

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Life after loss: What I learned from my mom's life and death by Jasmine Tate

Today marks 16 years since my mom lost her battle with cancer on April 21, 2005 at 7:31 p.m. It was the worst moment and experience of my life, but as I reflect on the reality of the relationship I had with my mom and Life After Loss, I’m filled with gratitude. Every year the anniversary date is an emotional one and in most cases, like today, I take the day to be and feel all the things that losing a parent makes you be and feel. Last year I processed my emotions sharing the grief and gratitude. Today I want to share the best lessons I learned from my mom’s life and the loss of it. Thank you in advance for holding space for me.

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Jasmine's Journey: Sharing my love for All Things Feminine, what I love most about Reward Style and Like To Know It membership by Jasmine Tate

As a little girl I always wanted to carry my mom’s purses, wear her accessories and walk in her shoes. Although I now have a lot more of my own, I’m still inspired by her beauty, class and style. She raised me to be a lady and influenced my love for All Things Feminine.

I believe life is better elevated (in heels) and we should buy what we love and wear it more than once. When I was invited to join the Like To Know It and Reward Style Influencer Network and Platform, I first thought about how much I don’t like sales. I didn’t like it in grade school or while interning in college, but I realized that as much as I don’t like sales, I love sharing. Whether I’m taking you along for an experience through social media or documenting a new adventure here on the blog, I enjoy social aspects of any role and being stylish and comfortable no matter where I’m going.

I accepted the invitation to apply last year and was accepted! :) I will be sharing my collection of All Things Feminine through the app more consistently moving forward. Complete the steps below to download it and be sure to follow me to view and shop my collection of All Things Feminine, affordable and re-wearable, in addition to lifestyle favorites. If you don’t want to download the app you can also view my collection and shop at I hope to see you there. :)

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