Break and Escape: 5 Ways to escape and recharge during your work day by Jasmine Tate

During my retail career and my time at United Way social media was an escape from work, and I often turned to one of the many apps during my breaks. Now that I’ve transitioned to my current role at TGR Foundation writing and social media are major functions of my role, and now I need an escape from them. Below are some activities to clear your mind, maximize your time and achieve productivity on your next break.

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Finding family from afar: Away yet connected by Jasmine Tate

"Home is where your family is."

People always ask me if I miss Louisiana, and I always respond with how much I miss my family. Although I'm only a flight away, these four things often remind me how far I am but make me feel like I'm right at home. 

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Perfection, power and presence: Six reminders in a world of comparison by Jasmine Tate

In today’s digital age of sharing you’ve likely heard, read or engaged in what “Theodore Roosevelt described as the thief of joy, comparison. Now more than ever there is more access to people’s lives, information and accomplishments making it challenging to avoid comparisons.

The Bible tells us in Galatians 6:4-5 that “each of you must examine your own actions. Then you can be proud of your own accomplishments without comparing yourself to others.”

In a world where it seems impossible to refrain from such thoughts and actions, here are six things to remember about yourself and our God.

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