Jasmine's Journey: 2021 Q1 Update by Jasmine Tate

Spring is here, and Q2 is in full swing. As I reflect on the first three months of the year, I'm excited about all that is in store for the coming months. While working toward the goals I set in January, I'm proud of my progress and prepared to overcome my challenges.

I’m a firm believer in celebrating victories, large and small, and practicing gratitude along the way. Here I’ve outlined the highlights, wins and challenges of my year so far in effort to chronicle my journey and hold myself accountable.

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Women & Wisdom: Celebrating Women's History by Jasmine Tate

As women's History Month comes to a close, I'm reminded of the women in our history that have paved the way to my successes and ours as a people. Last year amid the pandemic and Women's History Month celebration, I surveyed my sister colleagues at TGR Foundation to learn of their favorite moments, achievements and words of wisdom.

Looking back at their responses reminded me of how fortunate I am to work with such inspiring women and more importantly the collective strength that we’ve built and can channel from those who guide and inspire us most. Although women's History Month is ending, the achievements of women will live on and will continue to grow throughout 2021 and beyond. Read on to learn about five monumental moments in women’s history and several women and words of wisdom curated by the ladies TGR Foundation.

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My Journey through Laser Hair Removal - Pt. 1 by Jasmine Tate

I discovered laser hair removal during high school, and all the research I did told me that people of color (POC) could not have the procedure done, mainly because the technology wasn’t able to differentiate dark hair and dark skin. I filed it in my mental folder with things that were inaccessible to me and women of color and continued my search for at-home hair removal products. Over the last several years, I've seen influencers and celebrities having laser hair removal done, but I still didn't look into it more because I just knew that it would be outside of my budget.

I've never known anyone personally (white or of color) who has received laser hair removal, which made it hard for me to ask questions to someone who had experienced it. Because of that I want to share my journey for others like me who may be interested in laser hair removal. Read more to learn about My Journey, The Process, The Cost and The Experience. Connect with me in the comments or on social media @jasminectate.

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14 ways to respond to hurt and hate with love, truth and grace by Jasmine Tate

Facing the reality of hatred in our world is exhausting, and hard and uncomfortable. My thoughts and prayers are with the families, associates and loved-ones of Delaina Ashley Yaun, Paul Andre Michels, Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Julie Park and Hyeon Jeon Park.

Seeking God in prayer is always a great starting point. Although I believe Christ spoke the world into existence and performed miracles in and outside of the bible and he’s still able to today, I also believe that we must follow Jesus’ example and move beyond prayer into action. I’ve shared 13 additional ways to drive action below.

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