Photo by D'Anthony Jackson
The information and resources available online through Google, Linked In and various other sites are limitless. In addition to applying for every position I’ve found that I’m qualified for and matches my interests in the past few weeks, I’ve also reached out to professionals who currently have the position of my dreams.
“Your first job won’t be your dream job.”
I’ve heard it several times and different ways. Thankfully, as I’ve mentioned before public relations professionals are extremely generous when it comes to helping others achieve success, especially aspiring practitioners. Although your first position of your career may not be your "dream job," it should be a stepping stone to help you attain it.
Throughout the last five years I’ve attended more than a dozen conferences, heard from various industry leaders and networked with the best of the best. Beyond proficiency in writing and public relations skills, the advice given by most successful practitioners is similar.
1. Pursue your passion and find ways to incorporate it into everything you do.
2. Take advantage of opportunities to get involved.
3. Build your résumé and portfolio with quality demonstrations of experience beyond the classroom.
4. Develop a solid network with meaningful, “mutually beneficial” relationships.
5. Be genuine and authentic in who you are and the skills you have to offer.
I have recently spoken with community relations directors for various professional sports teams. After conversations via email and phone calls, I finally get it. I have unlocked the big secret I’ve been searching…
And what I’ve found is that there is no secret. Most insights I gained were no different from things I’ve heard throughout my academic career from peers, professors and professionals alike. As a believer I had to realize that when you take advantage of people, resources and words of wisdom and do everything you can to reach success, it is sometimes a matter of practicing patience for God to deliver on His promises and reveal His will for your life.
So, if you’re like me constantly seeking “the big secret.” You can stop now, because there isn’t one. If you disagree, please share. If there’s something I’m missing, I would love to know what it is. Enlighten me. Share below.
Jasmine C. Tate