I'm extremely grateful for Bill and his invitation to join the community. Bill is the founder and CCO of the IW Group, Inc. and started the National Millennial Community.
A small selection of the National Millennial Community at Spitfire offices.
Chelsea Eytel, D'Anthony Jackson and I stopped for a photo while touring the Golden State Warriors' Headquarters and representing The University of Southern Mississippi.
Thanks to the Warriors' organization for providing memorabilia from the 2015 Championship Title.
Although we had a pretty busy schedule, we took a short break by the bridge.
The eBay campus was the last stop on our tours of the Bay.
From the Golden Gate Bridge to the home of the Golden State Warriors, last week’s visits in the San Francisco Bay Area exceeded my expectations and renewed my excitement about the start of my career. Networking earned me an exceptional opportunity to become a member of the National Millennial Community, a group of individuals united with a common goal to join and change the conversation about our generation.
Members of the community have unique connections to companies and individuals that might not otherwise be accessible. While in San Francisco, my colleagues and I participated in meetings with several executives from businesses including the Verizon Innovation Center, Shift Communications, Wells Fargo, Spitfire, the Golden State Warriors, eBay and Google, Inc.
Serving as consultants on many stops, we gained exposure to diverse perspectives and a platform to share our personal positions. Although I knew I would enjoy the trip before I boarded my flight, during each visit I felt as if the tours were planned and organized specifically around my career interests including executives in my dream job (community relations’ director) and industry (professional sports).
“This business does take you places,” said Eric Bresler, Executive Director of the Golden State Warriors’ Chase Center. “Our industry keeps you young, keeps you moving and keeps you motivated.”
But only two percent of applicants are hired according to Jennifer Cabalquinto, Golden State Warriors’ Chief Financial Officer, which means “you have to have applicable skills.” Good news followed as she assured us that there are several doors into the building of your career.
Inspiration continued as we engaged with a young professionals’ panel of Google employees who offered motivation and realistic expectations.
Of course, you have to “put in the work to get there.”
- Brendan Chan, Program Manager | Customer Experience and Strategic Programs
“You should follow your dreams, but do it responsibly.”
- Tiffany Siu, Product Marketing Manager | Google Analytics 360 Suite
“Bad experiences lead to great learning and happiness is the guiding principal” [of a fulfilled life and successful career.]
- Mona Weng, Global Business Development Manager | Waze
“You learn a lot more when you’re learning together.”
- Alice, Web Solutions Engineer
Remember you have 30-50 years to start and maintain a prosperous career. Forget about work-life balance. It doesn’t matter if you’re working at 5 a.m. or 10 p.m. if you love what you do. After all, work is part of life.
Have you met Bay? If not, now is a great time to travel as airline prices decrease. Be sure to catch Steve Silver’s Beach Blanket Babylon Production; it’s a very entertaining show.
Jasmine C. Tate