Impromptu Speaking

The basics of Toastmasters and why you should join by Jasmine Tate

According to a Forbes article I read recently 80% of the population has anxiety or discomfort in relation to public speaking while only 10% enjoy it. The other 10% hate it and suffer from glossophobia: fear of public speaking. One of my favorite responsibilities during my career at Inland Empire United Way was sharing the work being done to impact the lives of individuals, children and families in the region. I was always excited to serve as a guest speaker or lead tours of the facilities. While I thoroughly enjoy opportunities to speak, it still gives me a little anxiety, and there’s always room for improvement, which is why I decided to join Toastmaster’s International.

I discovered Toastmaster’s through IEUW and jumped at the opportunity when my supervisor presented it. After transitioning to TGR Foundation I continued my involvement, and each week on “Toastmaster Tuesday” I get the opportunity to practice and improve my skills. If you hadn’t heard of it before, now you have, and I invite you to join a network of more than 350K members worldwide.

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